*Easy process to follow to make sure that those memories are safe!*
1-DOWNLOAD! Get those images off of your camera. Schedule 2 hours every month to download your images (if it's on the calendar, you'll be sure to block time to do it!).
2-ORGANIZE! Create 2 folders after downloading that month's images. Within a MASTER folder named after that month (or event), create 1-Favorites and 2-Rejects. Learn to be a good editor and only put your absolute favorites into that folder. File everything else into the Rejects and delete the bad ones. (If you can't bear to delete ones that aren't great, having the rejects folder creates a safety net that they're not completely gone and will help you keep only the top photos in your Favorites).
3-SAVE! I recommend backing your photos up in 2 ways for safe keeping. First - burn a disc of that months MASTER folder. As a second backup, save your Favorites folder into a '2008' folder on an external hard drive. You can even buy a small portable hard drive that won't take up much space.
4-SHARE! Upload the images from your Favorites folder to an online site to share them with friends and family. There are a lot of options these days: Kodakgallery.com, Mpix.com, Snapfish.com, you can even create a free website on Shutterfly.com to showcase your photos! If you're more of a photo enthusiast, there's also flickr.com, photobucket.com and picasa.com.