Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

"Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance."
~Ruth E. Renkel

I love this quote and how appropriate for celebrating Father's Day this coming weekend! It's time to honor and celebrate all of the Dad's out there!!

We thank you for finding the balance of being strong, protective, playful and still being caring, loving and sensitive!

Happy Father's Day!! :o)

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June's Image of the Month

To me, this image above says it all......YAY, it's summer!!!
Which is why I chose it for June's Image of the Month. How exciting and yet I can't believe that it's June already. Wow how time flies.

I'm lucky enough to live near the beach and still travel the nation (and the world) to experience all of the seasons, but it always feels good when those true beach days start to appear! I know we were all ready for them!!

I hope that the image of Max doing his cartwheel in the sand has brought a little extra excitement to your day! Have a great weekend!!